
Zoning Officer


The Zoning Officer evaluates building plans for improvements and new construction on properties in the Borough of Newport.  Anyone needing a permit contact the Newport Borough, Zoning Officer at the Newport Borough Office at (717) 567-3728 for a permit application and/or letter of approval for permit uses.

Office: Jesse Babcock
231 Market St.
Newport, Pa. 17074
Phone: (717)567-3728
Code Enforcement Email: codeenforcement@newportboro.com
Email: secretary@newportboro.com


Zoning Hearing Board





Paddi Sharar




Eugene Alex


The Newport Borough Zoning Hearing Board consist of three appointed member serving four-year terms. Its responsibilities include the hearing of requests for variances, special exceptions, appeals. According to Pennsylvania law, the Zoning Hearing Board cannot interpret the Zoning Ordinance, it can only uphold the law of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.

The Zoning Hearing Board considers the requests submitted for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and takes into consideration the degree of hardship and impact on the neighborhoods in making its decisions.

The Zoning Ordinance is established by the council, and amendments and changes in zoning designation are not the responsibilities of the Zoning Hearing Board, but rather that of the Borough council.

The Newport Borough Zoning Hearing Board meets in the Borough Office when a variance is requested.


Zoning Map

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Zoning Ordinance 250

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Zoning Hearing Board Application

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Zoning Permit Application

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